How to Create a New BAN for an existing Account

Updated by Tessa Rodriguez on Nov 20, 2015
Article Code: kb/588

Description (goal/purpose)

Lumen Cloud will default to having one Billing Account Number (BAN) per Hierarchy that is automatically generated upon signing up for the service. We do have the capability to separate Master and Sub-Accounts onto different BANs, if requested.

  • Sub-Accounts can be billed separately from their Master Account, and separate from each other


  • Customers


There must be a Master and a Sub-Account within the same hierarchy, currently billing on the same invoice before making this request


  1. On the Knowledge Base Home Page click “Submit Support Request” or email Include your PIN.

  2. In the Subject Line, please add “New BAN Request”

  3. In the Description, be sure to include the following information:

    • The Sub Account Alias you would like to be associated to a New BAN
    • Billing Address
    • Billing contact
    • Currency if other than USD
  4. Once you submit the ticket, you may get a response back with additional questions

  5. You will receive a response back to your ticket within 2-3 business days with your new BAN.


Is it possible to give my first Sub-Account a new BAN, but keep my second Sub Account under the Master Accounts BAN?

Yes, our program will default to having all sub-accounts under the master's BAN, unless requested otherwise. If you request for a specific sub-account to be associated to a new BAN, that sub-account (and any sub-account built under that sub account) will be the only account that is associated to the new BAN.

If I have Sub-Accounts under the Sub-Account that I am requesting a new BAN for, will they also get new BANs?

No, the Main Sub-Account will be the only account that receives a new BAN. However, if you would like those sub-accounts to have their own BAN as well, please add that request to the ticket.

Is there a limit to how many BANs I can add to my hierarchy?

You can have as many BANs as you have Account Aliases.

Can I have multiple BANS on one Sub-Account?

No, you can only have one BAN per Account Alias.