Create a PDF from a Web Page on

Updated by Lyza Latham on Apr 09, 2019
Article Code: kb/1332


If you should ever need to produce a printable PDF from any page on the website, we have provided a handy tool.

Scroll Down to the Footer

In the footer of every page, there's a text link under Support that reads PDF This Page. Click on that link and the Lumen wheel icon will start to spin, indicating that the PDF is being written. For articles in our Knowledge Base, there's also a link at the bottom of the left-hand navigation. Once created, the PDF will download automatically to your desktop.

Resolution vs. File Size

You may notice that the resolution on the PDF is high, and the higher the resolution, the more massive the PDF. So, many PDF files created will be far too large to email. Pages that are extremely dense in content, or have many graphics and charts, will deliver enormous PDFs. In such cases, we recommend you simply zip the file for transmittal.


The PDF you download may not be an exact replica of the web page you're downloading. Navigation and Search will be stripped from the PDF, along with video embeds and some graphics. Other graphics may not appear, or may be slightly distorted.

Supported Browsers

This functionality is not fully supported in all web browsers. We recommend using Chrome for the best results. Only Product pages and Blog posts can be converted to PDFs in Safari. Firefox is not supported at this time.