Requesting Service Tasks on Lumen Cloud

Updated by Brandy Smith on Mar 13, 2023
Article Code: kb/1529

Description (goal/purpose)

*Note: As of March 1st, 2022 the only Service Task request available is for data exports.

Service Task Pricing

Data Exports

  1. Inital Price $390
  2. Hourly Afterwards $195

Detailed Steps to Request a Service Task

Submit the details on your data export request – and within one business day, we'll reply with an estimate, along with a projected completion date for the task.

  1. Send email to This will automatically create a ticket for the Service Tasks team to review.

  2. You will get an acknowledgement that we have received your request. Requests are reviewed by our Service Tasks team daily.

  3. From there, we work with you and your team to ensure the task is completed as requested. Updates on progress are provided via our ticketing system.