Lumen Cloud Connect - What is IBM Cloud Direct Link

Updated by Gavin Lai on Jan 27, 2022
Article Code: kb/1586

In this article:


The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of Lumen Cloud Connect and IBM Cloud Direct Link with references for further details.


Users plan to order Lumen Cloud Connect to connect to their IBM Cloud.



What is IBM Cloud Direct Link

IBM Cloud Direct Link Solution is designed to seamlessly connect your on-premises resources to your cloud resources. The speed and reliability of IBM Cloud Direct Link helps enable you to extend your organization’s data center network and provides consistent, higher-throughput connectivity — without touching the public internet.


Please see the IBM Cloud Direct Link Overview for latest updates. There are two connection options to connect to IBM, they are Direct Link Dedicated and Direct Link Connect. Lumen Cloud Connect service can provide both options and support SLA based solution. Below are the high level description when using Lumen Cloud Connect:

  • IBM Cloud Direct Link Dedicated
    For IBM Cloud Direct Link Dedicated, you provision a dedicated connection between the IBM network and your on-premises network using Lumen Cloud Connect.
  • IBM Cloud Direct Link Connect
    Lumen has existing physical connections to IBM Cloud's network that they make available for their customers to use. You can request Lumen Cloud Connect to a Direct Link Connect from Lumen. After Lumen provisions your connection, you can start passing traffic between your networks and IBM by using Lumen Cloud Connect.

Lumen Cloud Connect for IBM Cloud Direct Link

There are different connectivity options to connect to OCI, the current options are listed below:

Cloud Provider IBM Cloud
Connection Type IBM Cloud Direct Link
Wavelength (Layer 1) :heavy_check_mark:
Ethernet (Layer 2) :heavy_check_mark:
MPLS/IP VPN (Layer 3) :heavy_check_mark:
Dynamic Connections :heavy_check_mark:

For On-Ramps locations, please refer to the maps.

To learn more on how Lumen Cloud Connect can connect your company to IBM Cloud, please visit the Product page or consult with your account team.

IBM Cloud Direct Link resources

Reference Location
Direct Link Comparison"
Getting Started With Direct Link
How TO Order Direct Link Dedicated
How TO Order Direct Link Connect
IBM Direct Link Pricing
IBM Direct Link Support
